Saturday, March 15, 2008

Finals Suck + Some Self Reflection

I've been studying all day for a final i have coming up on Monday. Its not that hard of a subject but it's just extremely boring. You guessed it... accounting. I Hate this class, the professor is a 5 ft tall asian guy with a super thick accent, I swear he just got off the plane. Its probably the most boring class I've taken, his lecture is 1 day a week and starts at 7pm and goes until 10. I'm forced to be there b/c he takes attendance with a device called an i-clicker, a remote voting tool which costs 50$. Anyway so I've completed a study guide for 2 of the 5 chapters the finals covering. I work tomorrow from 7am to 12, so i know I'm gonna be tired in the afternoon, plus i haven't seen my girlfriend in a week, all because of finals, aren't they fun? I'll probably go see her tomorrow afternoon and then ill have to hunker down for a little while, take some drugs and really get to studying. I don't know why but i just can't muster up the motivation to study ahead of time. I always have to wait till the last minute, i guess its just my personality, its how I've always done things. I've been a serious athlete for about 6 1/2 years and when i finally retire hoping to concentrate on school a little more, i can't. I know i need to change, but there are so many distractions in my life right now. If i really want to make a change in my life and become a superior human being, i have to start now. I'm a gemini, one of my attributes is being adventurous. I feel a way to straighten out my life and have fun along the way is to join the navy and become a SEAL. I'm hoping to join BUD's after i graduate in 2010, i know i have a tough road ahead of me, but i think i can manage 50 degree water. After all i swam my lifeguard tryouts in 51 degree water, probably the coldest I've ever been but it was worth it and looking back on it, it made me stronger.

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