Sunday, March 16, 2008

Water/Hydrogen Power is Coming

I've seen this video a couple of times and still can't believe it. I know it's NOT fake but how is this possible, this goes against everything we've been tought/experienced. Our dependence on fossil fuel is horrendous and it won't be much longer until scientists perfect water electrolysis to where we can create vehicles fueled completely by H2O. The questions is not what if, its will they let us. The government for years has backed oil conglomerates because they make trillions and pay off the fat cats in DC to keep it that way. Even if we do have the technology, our economy is completely dependent on fossil fuels. (imagine a day of your life without your car) They've got us by the balls and we keep shelling out the dough, now $3.50 a gallon where i live. How is it possible that within the past 4-5 years gas prices have risen from $1.80 - $3.50, oh that's right Bush went into office and decided to have a war, nice job ass. No wonder everyone despises you and can't wait to kick you out. I'm surprised you haven't been assassinated. How did he get into office in the first place, damn rednecks. This country seriously needs a breath of fresh, down with Corruption, all hail RON PAUL! We need a Ron Paul Revolution, he's truly the only president who's not a tool in my opinion. Well enough with the ranting and raving, here's the video i was getting at.

P.S. If I offended anyone, I could care less, it's my opinion and I'm allowed to have one.

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